We have the issue that anytime we go into a store, our son gets highly anxious about the loud speaker and the beeping at the registers. So much so that he usually throws things when it's time to check out, or covers his ears and cries when they use the loud speaker. He also gets very upset if there is another child crying (even if that child is three aisles over) and it can send him into a tailspin from which we cannot always recover.
With all of these problem behaviors occurring frequently when we go out, people outside of our world might wonder why we ever go out with our children if it isn't completely necessary. Why do we subject ourselves to the stares and comments that cut so deep. Why don't we, for instance, leave our son at home with one parent and the other parent can take out the other two? Why don't I always do my grocery shopping while all three children are at preschool? Why do we attempt the park when we know the end result will probably be dragging a kicking and screaming child to the car?
I know our son would be perfectly content to sit in the living room and play with all of his favorite toys over and over again. His anxiety would be next to nothing and his overall mood would improve. When we were home sick last week with very few outings and next to no transitions our days were nearly meltdown free. So why don't we homeschool, get a sitter for all of our necessary outings, and stop all of our therapies? There are a few reasons we make the choice not to lock ourselves up inside the house and avoid the new and unfamiliar all together.
First of all, staying shut away is not an option in the real world. If we expect our children to mature and learn coping mechanisms they need to practice. If we expect them to be able to go to the grocery store and buy food for themselves someday, we cannot avoid noisy places all together. We have to work through the experience, even if it does appear to be disastrous to onlookers. Actually, sometimes our outings might look like disasters, but were ten times better than the last one and we bask in the joy of that progress.
So there you have it. We cannot live in fear of the next meltdown, otherwise our children would never experience the world. We cannot hide our children in order to make the world feel more comfortable, otherwise no one will ever learn about or accept their differences. We cannot stop going out anymore than we can stop living. And we will never stop.
I couldn't agree with you more!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this - thank you! I needed to hear this today as I was just contemplating taking my 2 kids (one NT and one with ASD) to the zoo tomorrow vs. staying at home in the back yard, away from all the stares and whispered comments. You mentioned that your son sometimes covers his ears...my daughter did that a lot, so her preschool recommended that we buy her some noise-canceling headphones, and she loves them! It has made going to the store and other loud places much more bearable for her. If you think your son would tolerate them, I would highly recommend. We found a cute pink pair on Amazon for about $20. Thanks again for the great article :)
ReplyDeleteYou are too right, and there is hope for your future.
ReplyDeleteMy son has Autism caused by Fragile-X, and for years he would get very upset with loud noises to the point of throwing up. He would put his fingers in or on his ears. He would melt down if they had one of those moving statues at Halloween. He was perfectly content to say in his room. But he loved the Zoo and Bowling. So I started using earplugs at bowling and in loud settins. And I had to chase him around, since he wouldn't stay close.
He is now 16 years old now and the growth is amazing. He started attending the Boys and Girls Club after school in Jr High. He is much more social, and doesn't need the earplugs. We attended an Air Show with our Boy Scout Troop recently and he LOVED it. And now the problem with the moving statues is getting him to walk away so we can finish our shopping.