Polarizing extremism is hurting our country along with those complacent enough to let the extremes divide us. Before you nod your head in agreement and
think “You’re right those (insert party you oppose) are nuts these days…”,
think about your own views. Are they
rooted in reason and understanding, are they your agenda or someone else’s? Are they stances you have thought through or
stances that have been passed down to you from preceding generations? Most of us could benefit from a step back to
get some perspective on what is dividing us.
That means you who assumes every black man shot by police is
not complying.
That means you who assumes every cop who's had to use his
gun was wrong.
That means you who thinks every person proudly waving our
country’s flag is a redneck.
That means you who thinks every man in a turban is a
That means you who thinks abortion should have no regulations
or restrictions.
That means you who thinks guns should have no regulations or
That means you who thinks gays don’t deserve the same rights
as heterosexuals.
That means you who thinks people aren’t allowed to say they personally
disagree with homosexuality.
That means you who thinks #alllivesmatter is racist.
That means you who thinks #blacklivesmatter is racist.
That means you who thinks every Democrat wants to take your
That means you who thinks every Republican wants to control
your uterus.
That means you who thinks our government should enforce your
religious beliefs.
That means you who thinks every religion but Christianity
should be afforded protected speech and practice.
That means you who won’t agree that some on food stamps are
That means you who thinks everyone on food stamps is lazy.
That means you who thinks all cops are corrupt.
That means you who thinks all cops are standup citizens.
That means you who thinks all Hispanics are illegals.
That means you who disregards some Hispanics are illegals.
That means you who thinks all social programs are a waste.
That means you who won’t admit social programs are being
That means you who thinks all rape victims are liars looking
for a payout.
That means you who thinks all rape suspects are
automatically guilty.
That means you who thinks all whites are racists.
That means you who won’t admit some whites are racists.
That means you who fights for transgender rights, gay rights, and
black rights but won't fight for the rights of those with disabilities.
That means you who thinks a sign on a bathroom door is going
to destroy our country or violate your religion.
We must start using REASON.
We must start having EMPATHY. We must
call for JUSTICE AND RESPECT FOR ALL and admit our system is flawed. We must LESSEN THE RAGE. We must INCREASE THE UNDERSTANDING. We must admit we are divided. We must attempt to rise above it.